Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Karachi Burning

Even though I am not from Karachi, I have Pakistani blood running in my veins. I have been out of the country for most of the past 10 years, but have deep rooted connections, I travel there every 3 months at least for something or the other. To this day I love Pakistan, always have, I have preferred it over any other place I have lived in. It pains me to see what has been happening there for as long as I can remember. It pains me to see that there is no value of life. Every single person who has had control in the country has done nothing but loot it and try to retain their power by hook or by crook. This general is nothing different, even though at one time I thought he was different, at one time I believed in him, I believed that he would do things differently, when he took power I honestly believed he was doing it for the country. I guess I was naive, it seems what people say is true, most of the people most of the time only end up disappointing you.

"Who more foolish then we like cattle who,
Ever herded to doom by a cunning few,
By baubles bought or fear enslaved;
Are perpetually denied what be our due! "


Wanda said...

How you've touched my emotions with this post...and the verse at the bottom...profound!

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Beautiful poem!

Well although people say it has become better in Pakistan since he came to power it doesn't change the fact that politics today is seldom about anyone but the leader and his clique.

Optimistic Guard said...

Wanda is sad what happens every day in our world, we just hurt more when it hits closer to home.

Optimistic Guard said...

Thanks Shaykhspeara, things have improved a little with respect to some issues, but innocent people being killed by hooligans and no one doing anything is just ridiculous, especially if the motive behind such acts is support of a military dictator.

Radha said...

It is really sad when politics becomes more important than human life...great poetry OG.

Lotus Reads said...

Optimistic, I sense your pain so acutely. I,too, am so sad at what is happening in Karachi...the people deserve better, the land deserves better. I hope things change in a positive way soon...the country has my best wishes. You summed up your post with a great poem!

p.s. My dad's family came from Baluchistan originally.

Annie said...

What a sad, sad thing to come to believe, to have come to pass. There are many of us in the US who are sad about our leadership too, and who feel that the country is being served very poorly, or not at all.

Optimistic Guard said...

Thanks Radha, For people is power, their power takes priority over every one else and thats the sad part.

Thanks Lotus, there is always pain when such things happen anywhere in the world, thing is its become so much of a norm in that part of the world that we just move on and forget it ever happened.

Thats true annie, Very few leaders around the world think of their people first, their own bank accounts and those of their inner circle take precedence over everything else.

Nabeel said...

yes I heard .. and it is sad .. i mean why do it in Karachi? The politicians don't get affected .. do it in Islamabad where they'd see the commotion too .. well I guess don't do it at all .. but then again politicians should follow too.

Optimistic Guard said...

True Nabeel, Islamabad is basically the politicians backyard and they don't want any mess there, politicians create the messes and its the normal people who have to face the consequences.

Aisha said...


so true.... whenever my mom sees qaid e azem's picture she gets very emotional... she feels ashamed of the vision he had that was so beautiful yet has been all but spat upon and defaced completely.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?