Qanat Al Qasba is holding several exibitions under the theme of "the emirati dimensions". The Exibitions are paintings, calligraphy, photography and digital art. They are showcasing mixed works of artists from different age groups. Bringing the old and the new together in a mix to give a platform to the emirati artists. I missed the first one but I intend to check out the rest of them. I went for the calligraphy exibition today and it was quite interesting. Here are some of the works. Click images to enlarge.
Simple yet elegant with some beautiful colors.
Al- Rahim Muhammad Some more beautifully done Names of the seven Emirates
The newly opened Dubai community theater and arts center is hosting an amazing painting exhibition by a Pakistani artist "Lal Mohammad Pathan". Those of you based in Dubai should definately stop by and check it out. I took some Pictures of the paintings. The paintings are based on Sindhi Culture and portray the lifestyle of the desert people of Sind. It is an insight into the rich cultural lives of the desert dwellers of Sind.
Life in The desert: Solitude Folklore: Sasui Punhu
Sausi Punhu is the tragic love story between the beautiful Sasui of Bhambhore in Sindh and Prince Punhu of Kech in Makran, Baluchistan, Pakistan. The love tragedy of Sausi Punhu is immortalized by the late Sufi Saint and poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.
I went to the Sharjah Food Festival at the Qanat Al Qasba yesterday, apparently it was the last day of the festival I did not see much food but found this band of chiefs performing for the visitors. Qanat Al Qasba hosts some interesting events and even though they are not getting much response from the people they are trying hard and hopefully will attract an audience for their events in due course of time. Looking forward to the Sharjah Biennial, last year was interesting.