Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Sometimes I sit and wonder about life, how things are, how they have been and how they should be. Although I seldom find peace in how things are and don't see any respite from the busy monotonous life that most of us lead, I let my mind wander, wander freely over plains admiring the endless fields filled with wild flowers. I can imagine myself breath the fresh air. Then I let it wander even further, wander over mountains and into valleys, I even let it dip in the blue cold glacial waters of the lakes. I do all this because when I let my mind wander I find myself in my element, I find myself happy doing things I would like to do. This is how it should be.


Radha said...

You are in a poetic mood today!! :)
Please wander some more & post abt the places your wandering mind has been to!

Lotus Reads said...

Hey, Optimism!

I think that's called creative meditation or visualization and it works wonders..thank you for reminding me...maybe I should spend more time imagining life as I would like it to be...and hopefully the Universe will conspire to actually give it to me...according to the Law of Attraction, it should work!

Optimistic Guard said...

Oh radha, i will be posting about all those places, my mind tends to wander a lot :-)

I bet it should work lotus, creative meditation, thats a good name, it definately works wonders for me. transports me to these wonderful places within minutes.

En said...

Beautiful thoughts. Very "optimistic" indeed :o)

By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Wanda said...

How very interesting...several people have written about "life" today in their posts.

Your thoughts and picture are lovely. Yes, we need to take time to relfect....don't we?

Annie said...

That's a meditation you are doing there.

Optimistic Guard said...

Hey Enyur welcome to my blog, hope to see u more.

Wanda, life tents to keep us thinking and then we write about it. I have also noticed the general mood among people is usually the same.

Annie, never thought of it as meditation. I guess it is, very soothing indeed.

Prometheus said...

Yo OG, that's probably the only redeeming factor in the design of the human race. The mind can take you to places that don't exist. It takes you to the place where everything is exactly how you want it to be. Wishful thinking? Pointless dreaming? No, its a very therapeutic device. Keeps one going through this thing called life.

Nabeel said...

all in a summer day .. nice, peaceful environment is necessary to achieve peace inside :) .. very calm painting.

Aisha said...
