Sunday, April 22, 2007

Violence lives on

Just read this, do not have the energy to write about it, but in the lawlessness that is Iraq and Afghanistan, sad things are happening every hour of the day and there is no one to correct the wrong. When will we learn from our past mistakes and when will we learn to honor and respect each other?

To the Humane in Everyone.

Oh man thou wer't gifted such a wondrous thing,
To live on earth in merry mirth as gypsy king!
With the universe as teat to which all life cling,
Molded and in place much before your birth,
And mother nature as ward all joys to bring !

And as guide old ageless meandering time,
Shedding en route treasures most sublime,
As wisdom hid in books of things divine!
But thy devils such a self destructive creed,
In Eden sowed fear, greed, confusion and brine!

Ancient the myths rulers hold that might is right!
False the hymns priests sing of a frightening night!
Hollow the gleam both show of treasures bright!
With such lies was Divinity ever profaned,
And men enslaved by devils in purple trite!

Can He be Almighty if he needs our swords?
Or scriptures holy if they be our words?
And how to reconcile with an Almighty Lord,
Who can’t forgive you or me without dying?
Oh why is it we can’t all believe in a God,
Who orders love and is free of our lying!

When it’s over, it’s all over may well be lies,
But wasting life in dreadful fear cannot be wise?
Does it matter if endless sleep close your eyes,
Or you live on in another world? For as you fret
The past is lost in future dread and present flies!

Know fearful hearts eagerly become slaves,
In fear to tremble even beyond the graves!
You can be kings if truth lights your face,
Can you loose, if this truth you embrace?
Shackled with fear you ever live in disgrace!

For ought by naught our treasures can reduce,
Both science and scriptures do this deduce.
Nor all the lying can a single truth confuse,
As when light comes darkness must flee,
And hearts never wanting, who can abuse?

Tis but a while my muse it began to sing ,
Methinks it will die if not allowed to fling,
The mire covering heroes for truths to spring .
So bear with me as I allow it to soar,
And hear the misty peels of ancient bells ring.

Come take a seat in this eye opening show,
Watch great spirits struggle and knowledge glow,
Watch freedom sing and civilizations grow ,
Till priests and rulers in never ending greed,
To ‘govern’ the awaked another war bestow !

Why fear a night when we can have the light?
As people ever bonded with perpetual fright!
As willing slaves toiling for our masters delight.
As truth confounded by a ‘Babel’ of lies.
As a horde of Ishmaels who sold their birthright!


Diligent Candy said...

Just yesterday we were discussing Iraq and the recent blasts is so disconcerting. I have a colleague from there, and it suddenly hits home - far too close for comfort!

Wanda said...

It will take me another reading or two to absorb all that poem says. But I know it's all too true.

Radha said...

Great poetry OG!
Violence is not only in Iraq & Afghanistan, its a threat to everyone!

Optimistic Guard said...

Diligent Candy, When an injustice happens close to home, thats when we notice it the most, in todays day and age when everyone is busy with their own lives, we sometimes fail to notice the evil around us. Lets pray that everyone is kept out of harms way and things get better soon.

Hey Wanda, yup, we need to talk about things that are wrong in our society. there is no correcting issues untill we recognize them.

Radha,Thanks, how true violence is all around us and most of the times we dont even realize.

Wanda said...

Well, I must say I'm honored that you included me in your list of intersting blogs....thanks!

Annie said...

War is not reasoned, so we cannot make sense out of the violence and wildness. Peace is the only hope for sustained reason and calm. I hope exhaustion with the violence will set in soon - it seems that the US populace is already exhausted and most of us haven't even experienced any violence.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.