Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Emirati Dimensions

Qanat Al Qasba is holding several exibitions under the theme of "the emirati dimensions". The Exibitions are paintings, calligraphy, photography and digital art. They are showcasing mixed works of artists from different age groups. Bringing the old and the new together in a mix to give a platform to the emirati artists. I missed the first one but I intend to check out the rest of them.
I went for the calligraphy exibition today and it was quite interesting. Here are some of the works. Click images to enlarge.

Simple yet elegant with some beautiful colors.

Al- Rahim

Some more beautifully done

Names of the seven Emirates


Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Beuatiful! Who is the calligrapher? Some of the work resembles that of Mohamad Zakraiyyah (American convert, and expert calligrapher)

Prometheus said...

Amazing. The symmetry and attention to detail is superb.

Optimistic Guard said...

Shaykhspeara, All the calligraphers in this exhibition were Emirati, so It could not have been Mohamad Zakraiyyah. The artists exhibiting in this exhibition were Mohammed Mandi, Majidah Salem Al-Mazem, Fatemah Saeed,Ali Ibrahim, Ali Mohammad Murad, and Mohammad Bin Yahya.

Baraka, welcome to my blog, the exhibition was just wonderful.

Prometheus. Thanks for stopping by, the works were wonderful.

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Prometheus your avatar scares me! lol

Anonymous said...

Wonderful art work collection.