Monday, June 11, 2007

No inspiration

Usually I'v never been this strapped for words as I have been in the last few days everytime I log into blogger and decided to blog when I open the post I can't think of anything to write about. Life has been busy as usual but that doesnt mean I have no time, I have time but the time seems obnoxiouly empty, is that even possible, I guess it is. These days I can sit and think about "nothing" and when I want to sleep my mind goes into warp speed. Its a curse I tell you, last night as usual I had too much on my mind and did'nt sleep at all. Since I didn't sleep I figured I'd watch a movie, as luck would have it I started watching a movie called "Fountain", now I'm sure the movie was amazing, I could feel it, but I didn't entirely understand it. It had something to do with life, love, immortality but it was definately confusing, I guess I'll spend another night trying to understand it by watching it again and then again, that movie it seems was as confused as I get sometimes. Did this make sense, I don't think so, I'll try and give it a shot again soon, untill then adios.


En said...

Fikar (worry) not! Dr. Enyur to the rescue!

Hmmm...hmmm...*scratches head* well Optimistic, I think you better sit down before I provide my diagnosis. Looks like you have a case of Mental Block.

I would write a prescription but I'm battling with this myself lol! (Now, you know why I don't post as frequently as I used to!) lol!

Anyway, I hope you do find some inspiration. For me, I find there aren't enough hours in the day. When I finally do sit down to write I can't think of anything! I find it so frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Well...that seems to be a pretty common complaint nowadays. It's not just you, its every where. I guess the new blogger have stolen all the good ideas..;)

I see that you write about social issues...and as far as they are concerned, there's so much to write that at times you just can't say anything...and it seems that there are no words...just emptiness. Its happened with some frinds of mine who are writers of this genre as well.

Good Luck!

Optimistic Guard said...

Hey Dr Enyur, lol keeping busy is the right prescription i guess, usually I dont have any time to sit and reflect, but today, little work and no play so figured i'd try and write something.

Miss Specs, welcome to my blog,new bloggers are welcome to steal any ideas they might come accross,its true writing about social issues one feels emptiness, I should try and diversify my writings into a different genre.

Radha said...

Strangely enough it does make sense! :)

Lol @ Dr. Enyur's prescription!

Optimistic Guard said...

Radha, after you said it made sense, I read the whole thing again, and it still doesnt make sense to me, lol.

Annie said...

I can almost always go to sleep if I listen to a book on tape, no matter if I'm in bed or driving in my car. Hah.

Optimistic Guard said...

Oh Annie then one thing is clear no listening to books while driving. I can only fall asleep if i work hard and read at least 80 pages of any text.

Wanda said...

I always enjoy what you write, just seems you don't post for us often enough.
I often wish I could write deep and provokative themes, instead of what I had for dinner, or my trips, or my silly stories. But I am me...And You, thank God, are You. We need people like you in our lives.
So keep writing...about anything and everything.

Lotus Reads said...

The movie "Fountain", was it based on Ayn Rand's book "Fountain Head"? I'm sure not, but it doesn't hurt to ask! :)

You've got writer's block, I think...happens sometimes. Can't explain the flurry of thoughts at night, but try meditation..I'm told it helps!

Boo! said...

This definitely seems to be a common problem. I had that for the longest time (my blog has hardly any posts on it in the six months prior to this June). I am trying to write frequently now, but am sometime not sure what to write about.

What got me through the last few months was gym and basketball. Dont know how much physical activity you are getting but I'm sure it'll help!

Best of luck through this phase...

Optimistic Guard said...

Hi Wanda, I'v been quite busy with work and life, so what I usually do is just read other blogs most of the time and comment and when I get some time to reflect I write here. I do not think my posts are deep at all I try to make them though, Its the stories about Lunches and dinners and time spenty with loved ones that are inspiring, thanks for all the encouragement.

Booo, welcome my friend yeah I noticed suddenly you are on a roll blogging and all I guess the exercise is helping, I agree and I should be doing that, one of these days.

Optimistic Guard said...

Lotus, Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead" was made into a movie(1949) of which he himself wrote the screenplay. This is something else "the Fountain" (2006) is by Daren Aranofsky, its an award winning movie according to IMDB its a story "Spanning over one thousand years, and three parallel stories, The Fountain is a story of love, death, spirituality, and the fragility of our existence in this world"