Thursday, May 10, 2007

Five things you don’t know about me

I'v been going through some problems with work and family and thus have been absent from the blog. Radha tagged me a few days back so here goes.

1. I want life to be simple, quite and peaceful. I don't like big city living, I'd be much happier in a small town where everyone knows everyone else, I could have lived that life but instead I'm in Dubai hoping to one day soon get some peace in my life.

2. I love to read and spend all my free time in a quite place reading anything I can find.

3. I love anything to do with food, love to see, cook and eat. I indulge myself quite often.

4. I can't stay in one place too long, I get agitated so every 3-4 months when I'm at my wits end I go somewhere to get some sanity back.

5. I cant operate a TV, VCR, DVD properly even though every other technology I'm comfortable with, thats probably because I haven't used one in about 7-8 years, everything I do, I do on my computer.

Can't think of who to tag so anyone who wants to do this is welcome.


Wanda said...

This was very nice....I've wanted to know you better. I live in a very small town in CA. less than 2000. I also love to read, read, read.
Thanks for sharing. Do it more often.

Optimistic Guard said...

Hey Wanda I love the small towns in the US they are so much fun. thanks for stopping by, and i'll try to divulge all I can slowly :-)

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

lol at the dvd thing! Yesterday I was holding a seminar and I couldn't operate the projector and I got help from a retired woman in her 70's lollll

Diligent Candy said...

apart from the dvd thing ...which is hilarious - i kind of am like you vis-a-vis my choices...

Diligent Candy said...

i hope the problems you mention - blow away fast....

Optimistic Guard said...

SS, lol yeah its strange even i dont know why thats there but i just cant.

DC, Good to know more about people one interacts with, I feel in the blogosphere we usually automatically tend to interact with people of the same type. Problems come and go, its all part of the game. Thanks for your kind wishes.

Lotus Reads said...

Happy to know you better, Optimisic. Yes, you do strike me a peace-loving person with an eye for aesthetics, poetry and good reading.

I am with you on # 4...I suffer from an acute case of wanderlust...cannot stay in one place for long.

Nice meme!

Anonymous said...

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